The old saying goes that Nero fiddled whilst Rome burned. Similarly, the Coalition government and their News Corporation masters actively worked against doing something about climate change here in Australia for a decade. Tony Abbott and his cronies pulled down a Labor government and his successors attacked all opposition upon this ‘do nothing’ basis. Murdoch’s papers and media ridiculed carbon reduction targets. Scott Morrison and his Liberal National Party coalition government have done little in this space for two terms to reduce Australia’s carbon footprint. The conservative side of politics in Australia have a laisse faire attitude to things and avoid doing anything out of the box. There are signs that a lackadaisical coalition is changing stripes on the eve of destruction.

Australia a Drug Dealer Distributing Coal

Now, on the eve of destruction, we see these partners in crime suddenly wishing to take up the mantle for climate action. Bush fire season is nearly upon us once more. The about face is rich indeed from these forces who have forged careers on the basis of their negativity and denials. The demise of Trump in the US and the rise of Biden has changed the global status quo on this paramount issue. The European Union equally is keen to turn the screws on a recalcitrant Australia. We are international pariahs selling vast amounts of coal to developing nations like drug dealers exploiting poverty within their community. The cheap coal fix is a short-term panacea with serious long-term consequences.

75% of Australians Support Action on Climate Change

Is Australia being held to ransom by a National Party claiming to represent regional citizens but actually is in the pocket of the fossil fuel industry? National surveys indicate around 75% of the population supports action on climate change. If Australia continues to pander to the status quo domestically without doing something about changing over to things like green hydrogen, then, this closed loop crisis will remain. This country needs a federal government willing to actually do something to future proof our economy. Making excuses on the basis of the pandemic can only be sustained for so long. Now is the time to take major steps toward reconfiguring the energy sector and economy in Australia. Renewables must be given the lion’s share of investment and government support to speed up the transition.

There are great opportunities for Australians if the political and business environments are able to get off the fossil fuel teats and forge new industries. Take the brake off and stimulate the economic space for new investment in green technologies more aligned with the 21C demand. It is time to stop looking backward and to look anew at our resources and what we, as a nation, can do with them.

©House Therapy

By Silas

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